How should I prepare for recruitment?
Just remember to be yourself and be open to every chapter! All of our chapters have great things to offer so keep an open mind! You can learn more about our chapters through our website and their social media pages which can be found on our page.
How do we apply and make sure we're all set for the fall?
You will register online through our campus director link and will receive an email afterwards with information about going further!
Can you explain if we need/are recommended to have rec letters? If so, how many?
By no means do you have to have recommendation letters, but you are still welcome to send them in! If you are going to send them in, no more than 2 per chapter please! But not having them will not hurt your chances of joining a sorority here.
Do you suggest getting letters of recommendation?
Recommendation letters are not needed to have a successful recruitment but if you do get them, A lot of letters are submitted through that chapter's national website and they make sure it gets to the right people.
Can an active member from another university write a recommendation letter?
This depends on the chapter itself. Some organizations require a recommendation to come from an Alum and some allow recs to come from active women.
I have recommendation letters written for me, but I cannot see if they've been submitted in Campus Director. How do I know if they've been submitted?
Recommendation letters are submitted to each organizations national headquarters. The alumni of the organization who writes it for you will have to do that herself. The best way to know if it has been submitted is to reach out! But don't stress, recommendation letters are not required for the organizations on our campus. ​
How long is the process?
5 days
What are the dates for recruitment?
August 4th-10th with the mandatory New Member Symposium
What exactly happens during recruitment?​
Explain a little about each round + what to wear for each.
- Outfit inspiration can be found on the @ksupanhellenic instagram​
Philanthropy - This day you will get to learn all about their philanthropy including why they love it and how their chapter supports the cause. You will wear a t-shirt given to you by Panhellenic Council and any bottoms you want as long as they are appropriate!
Sisterhood - On this day you will get a chance to go into UP TO 5 sorority’s room and meet their sisters and hear about their sisterhood. On this day girls typically wear a sundress and sandals or wedges. Make sure to dress true to yourself and wear shoes you can walk around in.
Preference- This is the last day of seeing the chapters before bid day. You can return to UP TO 2 parties. You will be learning more in depth about the chapters and may be shown some of their open ritual. This is the day you will dress the nicest, a cocktail dress and heels, but remember to make them comfy enough you can walk in them or bring shoes you walk in to wear in between.
Late Night Activities - Will be hosted by Panhellenic where you can hang out with other Potential New Members, Pi Chis and enjoy some extra fun!
Orientation - On this day you will meet in the convocation center and learn more about our community, the process, meet the Executive Council and hear from our seven Chapter Presidents. You will then meet with your Pi Chi group to receive directions for the next day.
Is it possible to not get into any sorority?
Yes it is possible, but not likely! If you come into the week with an open mind you will likely find your home! We go more into depth into how the process works and why you should trust in it during orientation!
Do we get shirts for the first few days?
PNMs will receive one free t-shirt to wear during the week.
What are the GPA requirements for each sorority?
In order to go through recruitment at Kennesaw State you need a 2.5 but every sorority has different requirements they try to keep.
Can an incoming freshman register?
Yes! All women are allowed to register as long as they will be enrolled in class at ksu as a student.
Can I rush if I've already rushed before but had to drop because of an emergency?
If you were not initiated and it was over a year ago then yes!
If you’re rushing do you move in early?
You can only move in early if you are living on campus, or have made special arrangements elsewhere. A lot of the student living areas off campus do not allow you to move in early. Those who have chosen to move-in on campus early will do this on the 8th or the morning of the 10th in time increments based on your last name. More information will be administered for this from KSU Housing. If you did not choose to move-in on campus early you may have to work out accommodations if you are not local to the Kennesaw area in order to be here for recruitment.
Do we apply for early housing so that we can rush?
You do not have to live on campus or move in early to go through recruitment but it is an option. If you are going to move in early then you will mark it on the recruitment application.
How time consuming is greek life?
We believe that what you put into the organization is what you will get out of it. So if you are on the chapters executive council you would be attending almost every event and it is more time consuming than only going to what you choose and required events as a sister..
Are the sororities diverse?
All of our sororities have an array of amazing and diverse women in them where we are confident you can find your home. But even if it is not in our Panhellenic community, we also have two other councils on campus that women can join. These are known as MGC (the multicultural greek council) and NPHC which is the national pan-hellenic council.
MGC is composed of 7 multicultural, Hispanic, and Asian Pacific Islander women and men organizations and potentially expanding. The council also has 2 expansion groups.
NPHC is composed of historically Black Greek-lettered organizations, also known as the “Divine Nine”. 8 of the 9 are recognized by KSU; however only 6 have active chapters on campus.
We also have a lot of clubs and groups on-campus and in our FSL community.
Are you allowed to join a NPHC org and a CPC org?
No you cannot be initiated into more than one organization at a time. So it is either or; however, you can be initiated into an honors fraternity or something similar while in a CPC or NPHC organization.
How does rushing work if you are a legacy?
The same as other people! You will still go and visit every chapter the first day, and visit every chapter you are mutually invited back to after that! Many of the organizations headquarters have removed their legacy rule, which means that if you are a legacy for a specific chapter that does not mean you'll automatically be asked back to them.
What happens if i am interested in rushing but will also be part of the marching band and camp is the same week?
We have always made exceptions and make adjustments for this to ensure you can go through recruitment and attend camp! More information will be available soon.
Can you explain chapter dues?
We understand that the cost of joining Greek Life can be concerning for students and their families. To help ensure clarity of all responsibilities both financial and as a member, PNMs will be given a Recruitment Manual at orientation. This will have any information you need inside of it including the “financial transparency form”. This form is a breakdown of bills and the cost of being in each sorority. It explains what is and is not included in your dues as a member as well as the cost of being a new member, as that is different than the cost of an active sister in most cases. All of our chapters monthly dues are very similar in pricing and we think it is helpful to be able to see the breakdown of what your money would be going towards. This manual and form will also be on the website when it is completed here soon!
How do you register for recruitment?
The registration link is a campus director link. You will be able to find the link to register for KSU Panhellenic Recruitment through our instagram page (@ksupanhellenic), facebook page, and on our website under the recruitment tab (www.ksupanhellenic.com) . You can also find the link to our website through our instagram bio under “linktree”.
Is there a fee to sign up?
There is a $100 fee to sign up.
What is covered in the registration fee?
New Member Symposium​
3 Meals at the Commons and 1 provided by Panhellenic
All operational cost
Campus Director, Trash, Space Rental etc.​
How long is registration open
Registration closes August 2nd at 11:59 pm
How do I learn more about this?
Follow our social media to always know the latest news regarding Recruitment. You can also submit questions to Ksufslcpc@kennesaw.edu or send us a message on instagram.